
Friday, 31 May 2013

My Maths Task

Complete your Xtramath and take a screenshot.

Finish this sentence:

This week I have been practising these 3 basic facts:
Here is my Xtramath result:


You can see that I have/have not learnt my facts this week because …
I was too busy learning my facts from last WEEK.!

I also wrote a number story for my basic facts.  Here is one:
Molly had 9 lollies and her little brother had 8 lollies and they put them together and it made 17.

Now, copy and paste this onto your blog.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

The New Game I tried Out Today

I have just learnt this game today it actually a cool game Try it Out.
That's What The Game Looks Like.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Des Hunt Visit

Des Hunt Visit

The Author Des Hunt came to Visit our School Today.
He Used chemicals and Physics.
He also shared us Some information about Writing.
I had to hold this little bang thing
And the yellow ball didn't hit it the first time.
But the second time it did it hit the bang .
I learnt that you have to have a great Hook at the start of your story.
Our Class Was Reading Frog Whistle Mine its really a good story.

My XtraMaths Results.

This Week I practiced my three facts.

This is My XtraMaths Board

I am still I learning 1 of my facts.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Past Education By Deziree

I learnt that they used Teletypers in 1930's. I also learnt that if you have dirty fingernails they had to clean them or cut them.

Monday, 20 May 2013

I went on Xtramaths today and I had a try on Xtramaths

Friday, 17 May 2013

My Xtra Maths Results

This is my XtraMaths Result that I had done Today.

I think I have done better than last time. 

:)S mean that I done them better than 3secs

X's mean I got them Wrong 

The Ticks mean I got them right.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

My Handwriting

 We practiced our handwriting using a toothpick and ink because thats how they wrote in the olden days. I found it hard because I really broke my toothpick, it made me drop blobs of ink on my piece of paper

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Tricks Used On Advertising By Deziree

Today I saw Advertisement clips,One of them looked really disgusting. The Lady who was making the burger used a Toothpick to stick the Tomato and Lettuce down. I wouldn't like to eat a burger that is advertised that way because,guess what, they use hair driers to melt the cheese and they put dye on the patties to make it look fresh, They also put sesame seeds on the burgers.