
Monday, 24 February 2014

Deziree-Library Skills.

How the contents can help

L.I. - Library/Research skills
How to use the contents page to research effectively

The table of contents lists the chapters and other main parts of the book.  It is helpful because it gives you a general idea about the book so you know which chapters apply to your research.  Below is an example from a book about the moon.

Table of Contents

Introduction                                                                                                                                                       1
Chapter 1      The size of the moon in relation to the earth                                                            5
Chapter 2      How the moon influences Earth’s tides                                                                      17
Chapter 3      Full, half, and quarter moons                                                                                          31
Chapter 4      The lunar landscape: craters, mountain ranges, plains and faults               45
Chapter 5      The maria of the moon                                                                                                       57
Chapter 6      Theories about the origins of the moon                                                                    69
Chapter 7       Lunar geology                                                                                                                      77
Chapter 8       The moon and the age of the telescope                                                                   89
Chapter 9       Spacecraft and their impact on our knowledge of the moon                        103
Chapter 10     The Apollo programme                                                                                                    119
Index                                                                                                                                                                   135

Before you start highlight 4 words you don’t know and look them up in the dictionary.

Influences-The capacity to have an effect on the character
Lunar-Determined by, or resembling the moon.
Origins-The point or place where something begins
Geology-The scientific study of the origin, history, and structure of the earth.

Answer these questions from the contents page above:

Which two chapters will have the most information about human beings travelling to the moon?
2 & 8
Which three chapters will tell you about aspects of the moon in relation to the earth?
1, 2 & 3
Which three chapters will tell you things about the surface of the moon?
4, 5 & 7

Which chapter will tell you the most about the Earth’s tides? 

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